Q-3147 Hi Volt BMS

1. intelligent BMS high String Host processor:HPL 12S_96S MS ,unit price@ 99 usd.
note : Acqquistition unit per 12 Series,unit price @ 36 usd.
Alternative adding Acquisition unit Cost
if you use 32Series , will use Acqquisition unit =3 unit @108usd
if you use 44Series , will use Acqquisition unit =4 unit @144usd.
if you use 88 Series , will use Acqquisition unit = 8 unit
if you use 96Series , will use Acqquisition unit =8 unit
1.2 Acqquisition unit =8unit , TOTAL @36 x8set = 288 usd.
1.3 TYKO EV200 relay @ 65usd. 2set = 130 usd.
1.4 Diode Power module @ 10 usd.
note ; We will have youtube VDO show this performance and function ,
link =price w/o VAT

Optional:with casing and protection enclosure and cable with quick all signal connector,ADD@98usd.
Price w/o VAT